E-Portfolios: A Vehicle to Improve the Marketability of Information Systems Graduates and Coming Full-Circle in Curriculum Assessment:

A. James Wynne, Virginia Commonwealth University
Kaveh Mohajerik, Virginia Commonwealth University
Joe Cipolla, Virginia Commonwealth University
Gerald Saunders, Virginia Commonwealth University

Using self-managed student e-Portfolios to collect and assess indirect measures for student and program learning objectives has been made easier and attainable through professional social media networks such as Linkedin and Google Sites Wordpress, Squarespace, etc. This paper chronicles the progress of Virginia Commonwealth University's Department of Information Systems initiative to improve the marketing of its graduates and build a network of alumni to improve program assessment. A rationale and process model is presented for implanting a self-managed and non-academic hosting solution using student ePortfolios as the content vehicle for coming full circle for curriculum assessment.

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Updated 02/21/2015