For-profit/Non-profit Partnerships: Education, Sustainability and Humanitarian Aid

Laura P. Hartman, Depaul University
K. Kathy Dhanda, Depaul University
Nezih Altay, DePaul University

In recent years, the dominant model of corporate responsibility implementation has begun to shift away from philanthropic donation and toward partnership between for-profit and nonprofit organizations to address social needs (Austin & Seitanidi, 2012; C&E, 2010). The potential to address pressing social concerns for mutual benefit that such partnerships offer has been conceptualized by Porter and Kramer (2011) as "creating shared value" (CSV). The concept of shared value seeks to overcome the perception of a tension, or even zero-sum relationship, between the firm's aim of creating economic value for its owners or shareholders and the generation of value for society that is typically the mission of nonprofit organizations. This workshop asks whether and how partnerships between for-profit and nonprofit organizations can achieve success in the endeavor to create value for all stakeholders the collaboration. Workshop discussants will address this question in the context of the education sector, sustainability, and disaster relief management. .

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Updated 07/09/2013