FI1 -> Financial Management & Corporate Governance
Time: 9:10AM to 10:40 AM on Friday, July 12
Place: Krisan III
Session Chair: Betania Jezamin Setiawan, Bandung Institute of Technology
The Intra Business Group Effects of Innovation Announcements
by: I-Fen Chen, National Cheng Kung University (Corresponding)
Shao-Chi Chang, National Cheng Kung University
The Influence of Corporate Governance on the Financial Firms Performance during and After Global Financial Crises: Comparative Study between Developed Countries and Emerging Markets
by: Betania Jezamin Setiawan, Bandung Institute of Technology (Corresponding)
Macroeconomic Shocks in the European Union: A Case Study on the German Banking System
by: Antonios S. Sarantidis, Bangor University (Corresponding)
Kostas Nikolopoulos, Bangor University
Jonathan Michael Williams, Bangor University

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Updated 07/09/2013