State of Research in Social Computing

Subhasish Dasgupta, George Washington University
Sandra A. Vannoy, Appalachian State University

Social computing is considered to be the intersection of social behavior and computing systems. With recent advances in computing technology, especially the advent of Web 2.0 technologies, there is an increasing interest in social computing research. Web 2.0 technologies such as blogs, wikis, social networks, virtual worlds, and social media have changed social interactions. Research in the area has looked at the phenomenon of social computing through different lenses. Some researchers focused on technological issues, others have concentrated on societal aspects, and some have looked at the intersection of technical and societal issues. In this research paper we evaluate the state of social computing research in information systems and related fields. We plan to present a taxonomy for classifying research on social computing, and then use this to identify gaps in the research domain.

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Updated 02/23/2014